What can we do for you?

Building inforamtion modeling training

BIM Training

Based on your business needs, we plan the best training strategy for your company, helping you and your colleagues to learn how to get the maximum benefit of BIM methodology. All our courses are bespoke, so you get the most information in the shortest time, while learning exactly what you require to enhance your work. We love effectiveness!

Building inforamtion modeling implementation

BIM Implementation

After a deep analysis of your company workflow, we develop all necessary tools for your work with BIM system. Creating customized project templates, BIM execution plans, internal protocols and family libraries, we deliver a smooth and painless implementation to your team. You will have the whole system up and running!

Building inforamtion modeling consulting

BIM Consulting

If you already work with a BIM software, we can investigate your work methods and assist you to increase your productivity and the quality of your models, along with new uses of BIM that will make a difference between you and your competitors.

Building inforamtion modeling management

BIM Management

Even if you are using the BIM system in your office, we will be your outsourced BIM manager to ensure the best coordination between the different parties involved in a project. We analyze your workflow, the communication flow with all agents, set standards, detect collisions, stablish modeling criteria and information exchange to guarantee the success of all your projects.

Building inforamtion modeling modeling

BIM Modeling

Do you need help with BIM modeling? we can assist you to make architectural, MEP and structural BIM models for different types of projects and levels of development (LOD). We start with conceptual schemes, existing 2D CAD drawings, geometries exported using .ifc files or surveys.

Building inforamtion modeling libraries

BIM Libraries

It is always challenging to find the perfect family that suits your project, so we develop customized catalogs of all BIM objects you need. We advise you on the best way to set up each object and how to parameterize them based on your specific requirements. Having a good BIM object library will save you a lot of time in the design and production process.