Building Information Modeling
Building Information Modeling is an intelligent 3D model-based system, a powerful tool in architecture, engineering, and construction to plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure in the most efficient way. BIM can create digital 3D models that include data associated with physical and functional characteristics. Its power resides on the feature that allows all parties envolved in a project to collaborate on coordinated models, giving everyone better insight of how their individual work fits into the overall project, ultimately helping the whole team to be more effective. Working on BIM, you will experience reduced project risk, improved timelines and cost savings as well as better project outcomes.
BIM will help you to make better design decisions earlier in the process with a vision into what your design will represent through its visualization, coordination, collaboration, and analysis tools. In a model, the data defines the design elements and establishes behavior and relationship between its different components, which guarantee a much faster updating process.
BIM provides insight into the constructability of a design, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the construction phase. With BIM it is possible to simulate the whole construction process, therefore it will support you in reducing clashes, improving timelines, and saving money. The model can record all as-built information to get a full coordinated model.
BIM grants a better understanding of the building’s future operation and maintenence. Owners can use BIM for predictive maintenence, asset tracking, and facilities management, as well as for future renovation or deconstruction projects.